Friday, February 2, 2007

And one more thing...

One more question regarding Pharmacogenetics...

- How will religion affect the progress of Pharmacogenetics? Unmapping one's genome to reveal any genetic predispositions to disease can challenge "God's ultimate plan". Are we playing with destiny or is this scientific revolution destiny working in disguise?


Unknown said...

cori, interesting question! personally, i believe in God and destiny. but i also believe God created this world in a scientific/logical way, and so every process that occurs has a concrete scientific basis (whether we have discovered it yet or not). what do you think?

Liyan said...

Cori you have such a cute website with outstanding information and questions!
If we want to look at it from religious aspect...Then we should not change the God's plan. I have heard and read interesting articles about different religions and I think that at the end 90% of them send the same message about science, future and human being. Its God’s Will and NO ONE should changes his WILLPOWER, He is the one that knows what’s the best for an individual.
So many Scientifics discoveries and behaviors on human are not accepted from religious perspective. I think we should ultimately separate these two topics from each other. If we want to involve religion we will be limited in expansion of scientific detection!

Alexis said...

I think that here in the United States, Christianity as a religion will negatively impact the idea of pharmacogenetics because I think that relgious beliefs are not typically in support of science directing the health and wellbeing of humankind. By using genetic make up to prescribe health services delivery or essentially stamping people like cow branded cattle - I can't see a reason why the church would be in support.

Jen Chen said...

What a great question. I've heard it before and it usually turns out to be opening a can of worms. I am personally a believer in God, but to me science is discover into the miracle of life and how beautiful God is throught his creation. To me revealing genetic predispositions isn't tampering with God's plan, it's discovering more about ourselves and how to preserve the life that God created.